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Easiest Method to get a Green Card
If you fall under one of the following criteria, you may be able to apply for a Green Card. Once you’ve identified the category that might apply to your circumstances, click the linked link to learn more about the eligibility requirements, the application process, and whether or not your family members are permitted to apply with you.
Green Card through Family:
If you are the…
A person admitted to the U.S. as a fiancé(e) of a U.S. citizen (K-1 nonimmigrant)
Green Card as a Special Immigrant:
If you…
As a representative of the U.S. in the media, the U.S. A grantee of the Agency for Global Media (USAGM) or USAGM.
Advantages of a Green Card
weighing the obligations of being a legal permanent resident against the advantages of a U.S. green card.
A U.S. green card enables an individual to reside, work, and begin the naturalization process in the country. The holder of this card is considered a permanent resident of the US and is therefore qualified for many, but not all, of the same advantages as citizens.
More than a million green cards are granted by the American government each year. An estimated 13.9 million people with green cards have legal permanent resident status in the US as of 2019, and 9.1 million of them were eligible to apply for citizenship. Three groups of persons are typically granted permanent resident status: those who already possess a green card and are given a new one, relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and people in the country on work visas.
A green card provides many advantages, primarily that it allows the green card holder to permanently live and work in the United States, and after several years, become a U.S. citizen.
If you are married to a citizen of the United States, you can petition for citizenship after three years, or after five years if you are not. You could obtain conditional permanent resident status if you recently got married to a citizen of the United States and seek a green card.)
You cannot be expelled from the country of your birth. No matter what modifications to immigration regulations may be made in the future, those who have green cards have their status as permanent residents. A green card is permanent and cannot be withdrawn if immigration laws change. However, a holder of a green card may forfeit their right to remain in the country by committing a crime, breaking the law, or taking any other action that may lead to deportation.
You are not required to give up your citizenship in your home country.
The laws of the United States, your home state, and your local authority all provide you with legal protection. Those who are granted permanent residence enjoy the same legal rights as American citizens.
Other members of your family may be sponsored for a green card. Families of permanent residents are given preference, although not as much preference as families of citizens of the United States. Included on the list of eligible family members are spouses, kids, parents, and siblings (as well as the spouses and children of those spouses, adult children, and siblings).
You can renew your green card every 10 years.
You have easier access to travel to and from the US than other visa holders or recent immigrants. With a current green card, permanent residents can leave the country and come back as long as they do so within a year.
You are free to move anyplace in the United States and travel there. There is no need to contact civil or state government organizations, and state borders are not a restriction.
You are qualified to receive federal benefits like education grants or social security. Applicants for government-sponsored student financial aid must be permanent residents. Additionally, several colleges and institutions grant in-state or resident tuition rates to holders of green cards. A person with a green card who stays in the country for a sufficient amount of time may receive social security benefits.
You can submit applications for a variety of positions. Those with green cards have more employment options than those with work visas. Permanent residents, for instance, are eligible to apply for positions requiring security clearances and/or employment with the government.
In need of a Green Card Lawyer? Shankar Law will assist you the best way we can. Contact us now.